Lots of Energy and Growth in Costa Rica

Lots of Energy and Growth in Costa Rica

Last month in Costa Rica we experienced an event full of energy, where each one of the participants had the opportunity to learn why B-Epic is their best option to improve their health and above their income thru a fantastic workshop taught by our Founder Dan Putnam. Additionally, we had the leadership of Jesus Alvarez, President of Commercial Relations, and Alejandro Gomez, Director for Latin America. We had many memorable moments such as the launch of D2S Instant Tea, the celebration of new registered products, recognition of ranks achieved by our Costa Rica leaders during the first half of the year, and we had fun with raffles and giveaways, among other surprises that made this event totally epic.

Because of this incredible event and with the strong leadership of our new team of committed leaders, Costa Rica had an awesome month with double of sales vs the previous month, and the best is just to come!!!

B-Epic Latin America Update

B-Epic Latin America Update

I am very happy to share that this month of July 2024, we increased our sales in Latin America to $100K USD, marking our best month this year. This success is the result of local events in Mexico, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. Also, our effective promotions, frequent calls with leaders, and strong support for our distributors through information, training, and issue resolution have been key. Highlights include Ecuador’s record sales for the second month in a row at $16.2K USD, Peru’s highest sales in a year and a half at $13.5K USD, Mexico leading Latin America and ranking 5th globally with $35.9K USD, and the Dominican Republic’s consistent growth, nearing $12K USD. Costa Rica almost doubled its sales from $6K USD to $11K USD. Our goal is to maintain and increase sales volume, and we are excited about the great growth ahead for Latin America.

Thank you all for your support! ~ Best Regards, Alejandro Gomez, B-Epic Director of Latin America 

Epic 3-Day Event in Kazakhstan

Epic 3-Day Event in Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan recently hosted an extraordinary 3-day B-Epic event. Founder and CEO Dan Putnam, along with Jesus Alvarez, President of Global Sales, joined 1000+ leaders from across Eurasia to celebrate, learn, and map out the future of B-Epic Worldwide in the region. The event also showcased the phenomenal growth of the organization, including recognizing 72 emerging leaders who had recently achieved ranks from Silver to Platinum as well as other new higher ranks: 11 Blue Diamonds, 6 Double Blue Diamonds, 2 Black Diamonds, and 2 Double Black Diamonds—all of whom walked the red carpet to receive their well-deserved accolades. Also, leaders at the Silver level and above – over 100 individuals – received a special training from Dan Putnam himself. The event concluded with a special dinner for all the Diamond + leaders. It was an truly inspiring, transformative event!

We extend our deepest gratitude to those who joined us in Kazakhstan, and to the entire B-Epic family for being a part of this unforgettable experience.

September Free Sign Up Pack!

September Free Sign Up Pack!

Introducing the B-EPIC SEPTEMBER 2024 FREE Sign-Up Pack! For just $110 (CV: 80), elevate your wellness journey with our exclusive offer, available until September 30th, 2024.

KEY PACK DETAILS: (1) Available by market; (2) Enjoy free membership with no sign-up fees for the entire month! (3) Lifestyle-qualified pack that aligns perfectly with your wellness goals. IMPORTANT RULES: (1) Purchase this pack solo, without additional products, to enjoy the free sign-up. (2) New customers receive distributor pricing on this exclusive pack, and no substitutes are allowed.

ALLEVI8 PRO PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS: Experience fast-acting, concentrated natural relief; Soothe tense, tired muscles and sore, stiff joints; Temporarily relieve discomfort from aches and soreness; and Promote stress relief, comfort, and relaxation.

REGENER8 PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS: Support anti-aging and immune system efficiency; Relieve achy joints and chronic inflammation; Strengthen skin, hair, nails, and connective tissue; Help preserve healthy bones and joints; and Support appetite control and blood sugar control

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to kickstart your wellness journey with us! Visit your Back Office now to claim your free sign-up pack and start revitalizing your health today.

Stand Up for Health

Stand Up for Health

Hello everyone, we are in the last days of summer. It has been extremely hot here in St. George, Utah this year with no break. I am so ready for all the unrest in the world and political advertising and just plain ugliness that is going on to just be over! I know there is nothing I can do to change any of those things, but here is what I can do! I CAN STAND UP FOR GOOD HEALTH.

B-Epic has amazing natural products for everyone to use that are looking for better health and the way to be the best you can be. Life is so much better if you feel good. At my age now I am starting to experience some issues I had hoped I could sneak by without experiencing failing health. 

One of the first and easiest yet often overlooked things we should be doing every day is DRINK MORE WATER! The more hydrated we are, the better our bodies can function. I want to remind you when you use any of our products that are stick packs then mixed in water or juice, that also adds to your water intake. I know this can make such a difference. Hydrated cells are always healthier. I just had to go get myself a big glass of water as I am writing to all of you. It is so easy to think I will do it when I finish this… Do it now! Right now, is when you can change your health.

Now we are not all as healthy as we want to be and there are some things we can’t change but still there are always things we can do. Look at the amazing products B-Epic offers and then pick what you feel can meet your health needs. Commit to using those every day. You will soon be able to testify to the great results you are having. Let’s all stand up for health. Simply Drink more water and then get moving!! Walk, run, swim, ride a bicycle just move! Wiggle! That even burns more calories than just sitting.

I wish the best results to all of you, and I will be doing all of the same things for my health too. Stand up for health! ~ Lynn Putnam, B-Epic Worldwide Co-Owner

Action Plan to Mobilize People

Action Plan to Mobilize People

The following ACTION PLAN for Mobilization has created month-to-month growth of between 40% to 55%. But only if is applied exactly to a tee. Mobilization is what allows you to build depth in an organization, to generate ongoing month after month income. It is the very backbone of a solid Network Marketing organization.

NOTE 1: Some people may receive multiple requests from their splines. Not to worry, this is a good thing. Multiple requests reinforce the importance of the message, all while re-emphasizing their leadership abilities. 

NOTE 2: Did you notice that the message you communicate (see near the top in bold) is short. Efficient mobilization is in the process, making sure all the bullet points are done.


It can be applied to all promotion. In this case, in order to illustrate, we will simulate you mobilizing people in your group to attend the European Convention on September 28, 2024.

  • Clearly identify the message or action you wish to communicate to your organization.
  • Write down your message in clear terms, so that the content is easily understood and the delivery is easily duplicated. For example, in our case: Did you know that the greatest growth in all organizations happens within 3 months after a major event? That is why I want you to go to your back office right now and order your ticket to the European Convention on September 28 2024 in Mulhouse France. As soon as it’s done, send me a message confirming it.
  • Identify a few good leaders whom you trust to spread the message.
  • Handpick a few leaders (4 or 5) whom you can trust to talk to their downline about the message and action you want to communicate to your organization at large. Then write down their names and start the mobilization process with this next step.
  • Contact each of the leaders whose name you wrote down.
  • Communicate your message or action to your handpicked leaders, emphasizing the importance of the message, and the fact that they are one of the few you trusted to spread this crucial information. Give your leaders the message, just as you wrote it, and relay the process you just followed to contact them.
  • Tell your leaders to write down your message so they communicate it the exact same way you communicated it to them. Then tell them to write down the names of a few leaders in their organization who will be able to contact a few of their best people.
  • Clearly outline the mobilization process you jut followed, and tell your leaders they will need to communicate the same process to the people they contact in their own organization.
  • Ask your leaders to report the success of their communication, and insist that those whom they contact will need to report their success to them as well.
  • Report success.
  • Congratulate your leaders on a job well done as they report the success of their communication to you. Ask them how their own leaders are doing with spreading the news, and ask them if they have received good success reports as well.

Congratulations! As you do this, you are stepping into the role of a true leader, and you will too reap its benefits. ~ John Godzich, President of B-Epic Europe

Congratulations First-Time Grandpa Jesus Alvarez

Congratulations First-Time Grandpa Jesus Alvarez

We want to congratulate and share with you the joy the Alvarez Family is experiencing as they received their first grandchild. Congratulations to B-Epic President of Global relationships Jesus Alvarez for becoming a grandpa! Introducing Sofia Zhang Alvarez, 7lbs 9 oz and 20 1/4 inches, born 7/25 5:16 am.

Please join us in celebrating with congratulating Jesus on the birth of his first grandchild!

Make Sure You Get Paid and Get Your Order

Make Sure You Get Paid and Get Your Order

To stay qualified and earn commissions and bonuses, you MUST place a qualifying order every month. After 6 months – or 180 days – with no orders, your account will automatically be purged from the system, which also means all existing money in the e-wallet will be gone. This CANNOT be reversed. So, we highly recommend you set up and use autoship to ensure you never have to worry if you placed an order each month. Note, you can change the products you get on autoship at any time.

Also, whenever you place an order, make sure your shipping address, email address, and phone number are correct in your B-epic account, so we can get your order to you quickly. Be advised that complete, correct information is REQUIRED for shipment. We appreciate your support in ensuring the information you provide is correct and complete.

Immediately set up autoship and check the details in your account to make sure you get paid and get your order!

Join Our Online Community

Join Our Online Community

Stay in the loop with all the excitement going on in B-Epic Worldwide and be connected with B-Epic members around the world! You are invited to be part of our official online communities and social media groups managed by the corporate team and contributed to by leaders and members. You’ll be alerted about special promotions, contests, and events.

Plus, you get to be part of our worldwide community committed to helping you unlock your potential and experience success. Our brand partners are mentored, supported, and cheered on by our leaders and teams around the world as well as by our highly engaged online groups.

Also Check out Resources on your home page in your Back Office for recordings and helps you can use in building your business.

Join the B-Epic online community at www.bepichq.com/online-groups. Plus, check out our new TikTok account: www.tiktok.com/@bepicworldwide!

Spreading the Word in Switzerland

Spreading the Word in Switzerland

Black Diamond Xavier Barbary has been touring Switzerland this month, meeting with members and prospects in the area sharing about the range of B-EPIC products and business opportunity. The local partners have been excellent hosts, and Xavier has been warmly greeted. He has presented to packed rooms, answering questions in his congenial matter and helping sign up new members. Plus, many members shared remarkable and moving testimonials of product results. 

Small group presentations are a great way to share the B-Epic opportunity with others! The personal meetings always have great energy and an uplifting spirit for everyone there!