Bepic Greens…same great product, epic new name!

Bepic Greens…same great product, epic new name!
Fuel your body with delicious, nutritious greens! BEPIC GREENS (formerly GR8 Greens) is a science-based cardio-health green drink mix that tastes great and is packed with bioavailable nutrition that fuels the body and helps bring it into a healthy state.
Every serving provides the body with therapeutic amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and phytonutrients. These vital organic compounds are essential for good health but are often depleted from our modern-day diets.
Our exclusive formula is made with the highest quality raw greens available anywhere in the world—certified organic and sustainably grown. These unique, vitamin- and mineral-rich greens are derived from one of only two inland seabeds on Earth and are grown in pristine ancient volcanic soil. From time of harvest—which only takes place twice each year – the fresh plants are juiced within minutes and immediately converted into our powerful green nutrient blend through a proprietary process.
Plus, it is designed to support the natural healing processes that restore and strengthen cardiovascular health and prevent and reserve insulin resistance. Each serving provides 3,000 mg of L-Arginine and 1,000 mg of L-Citrulline, which Nobel Prize-winning research has found can help age-proof the cardiovascular system by naturally boosting the production of the powerful neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide.
Order Bepic Greens today in your Back Office. Available by market.