We want to extend a big shout-out to everyone who has been participating in our bmvmt program to boost their level of physical activity! bmvmt is about MOVING and being physically active every day. And it is designed for everybody, not just bodybuilders and gym fanatics. It doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 81, we all need to keep moving to add life to our years as well as years to our life.
Only a few lifestyle choices have as big of an impact on health as physical activity. It has been shown to help reduce health risks and improve overall physical health, cognitive performance, mood, sleep, and more…including increasing your chances of living longer! In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle increases risk factors for serious diseases and long-term health and quality of life issues.
What’s great is that everyone can experience the benefits of being physically active! And even just doing a little is better than doing nothing! You can start gaining some of the health benefits by simply engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, which has been found to be generally safe for most people.
Start moving and join the bmvmt movement today!